👨🏫My Profile
This page will show the profile details of the candidate.
This page contains the details of the candidate with the completion percentage of the profile.
This section includes the profile photo and the candidate's full name with demographical and geographical details.
It will also display the profile completion percentage based on the details added by the candidate which may include their experience, education, certificate and projects with appropriate weightage of the details.
We are providing two options for the candidates to add their resumes to the platform.
Create a new resume
Upload a resume
Resume Builder
Click on the "Create a new resume" button.
A new page will open to build your resume.
The details added to the candidate's profile will be fetched automatically in the resume builder.
The candidate has to enter the empty fields manually.
It is very flexible for the candidate by using the below features of the resume builder.
LIVE preview of the resume.
Hide / Unhide sections in resume.
Add custom fields (only one).
Customize the colour and fonts.
Increase or decrease the section heading size.
Resume ready? Click on the "Download Resume" button.
Want to create a resume for someone else?
Click the "Clear All" button and start from scratch.
Upload Resume
This function will allow the candidate to upload the resume from their system.
My Profile
This section includes details of the candidate as mentioned below:
Basic Details: This section includes the basic details of the candidate i.e.,
Full name
Personal Details: This section will have the personal details of the candidate i.e.,
Date of Birth
Industrial Details: This section will have the industrial details in which the candidate may be working or interested to work in with the details mentioned below
Domain/Function: As a candidate, you can select multiple domains based on your profile.
Skills: Select all the skills that you acquire to get the best job recommendation.
Select Experience
User can add their previous work experience in this section to increase the chances of shortlisting and selection for the applied jobs.
Add Experience: The candidate can add their previous experience by clicking on the "Add" button and filling in the required details mentioned in the form.
This section will have the educational details of the candidate.
The candidate can add, update and delete the educational details from their account to maintain the accuracy of the data as per their preferences.
This section of the "My Profile" module will show the resumes added by the candidate.
The candidate can upload a new resume by clicking on the "New Resume" button.
They can view their uploaded resume and also they can delete their older resume.
This section will showcase the list of projects in which the candidate had provided their input.
Add Projects: Candidate can add more projects to showcase their skills and abilities by clicking on the "Add" button and filling in the required details.
This section will show the list of certificates earned by the candidates.
Add Certificates: As the candidates upgrade their skills from various certification courses they can showcase their certificates by adding them to their profile.
The candidate should fill in the required certification details and click "Save" to add the new certificate to their profile.
This tab is used to update the settings in the Candidate Panel to ignore the companies or to stop notifications.
To update these settings user has to click on the "Edit" button and should update the details based on their preferences.
Ignore Company: Through these settings, the candidates can hide their profiles from the selected companies.
Job Information Notification: This setting in the Candidate Panel can be used by the candidates to turn the notification on or off.
Change Password
This section in the "My Profile" of the Candidate's Panel can be used to change the current login password to maintain the security of their account and avoid unauthorized access to their account.
Last updated