The profile page will have several tabs that will show the overall details of the company and the employer associated with that company which can be editable by you as an employer to maintain the accuracy of the details.
Cover Image
In the "Profile" section you can upload a new cover image by clicking on the "Edit" button and uploading an image as per your preference.
Edit Profile
You can update your profile by clicking on the "Edit" button as shown in the image given below:
Click on the "Edit" button will open the popup from where you can update the profile image, company name and business industry.
Company Overview
This tab will display an overview of the company with the details entered by you.
About Us: This section will display the details about the company.
More Information: This section will provide more information about the company which includes the following details as mentioned below:
The company type whether it is public or private.
The contact number of the company.
Headquarters location of the company.
The year in which the company was founded.
LinkedIn Profile URL
Number of employees associated with this company.
Company's official website URL.
Company email address for communication.
Address of the company.
Benefits & Perks: This section includes the list of benefits & perks provided by you to the employees associated with your company.
My Profile
This tab will display the details about you which can be editable by you to update the accurate data in the system. The details will include your name, phone number and email address.
This tab will display the list of your team added by you in the system based on your selected plan for the platform.
Based on the current plan the above image shows only 2 team members to be added to the system.
To add a team member enter the required details like first name, last name, phone number and email address of the member for adding that member to our system.
My License
This tab will show the details of the license subscribed by you as an employer with the Top-up option.
You can change the current license with the available plans by clicking on "Change License".
Also, you can opt for "Top-up" for add-on features in the current plan.
The numbers with "Active", "Team" and "Views" will display in the Profile section based on the plan selected by you.
This tab will show the reviews and feedback added by an applicant on the job posted by you on the platform.
This tab will display all the transactions done by an applicant on the portal associated with your account.
Change Password
By ensuring the security measures of the system you can change your current password from the "Change Password" tab.
First, you have to enter your current password.
Then enter the new password you wish to use for your account by following the parameters mentioned below "New Password" input field.
Enter the same password with the same font case by entering a replica of the characters.
Click on "Change Password" to confirm the password modification and apply the newly added password to your account.
Last updated